Studio Admission:

            Anyone age 5 and older who is interested in learning to play the piano or improving their piano skills is encouraged to set up a free consultation appointment.  A consultation interview will occur via zoom and will last about 15-20 minutes.  This brief meeting is designed to gauge whether or not young children are ready to begin lessons, or for older children and adult students, to gauge the skill level at which the person will be starting lessons.  It also allows the student and teacher to get to know each other a bit before lessons begin, and to discuss goals, expectations, and any initial questions up-front.  If the situation is deemed by both parties to be a good fit, the student will receive a follow-up phone call to discuss scheduling and decide what lesson package would be best. 


            Except for in special circumstances, lessons are conducted at the teacher’s home.  Directions and instructions for arrival will be provided following the consultation appointment.  Circumstances that may warrant lessons to occur at a different location can be discussed during the consultation interview. 

Tuition and Scheduling:

            Lessons are offered by semester packages in the spring, summer, and fall.  The spring and fall packages each consist of 16 lessons and 2 studio (group) classes over 18 weeks with a recital at the end of the semester, and the summer semester consists of 6 lessons scheduled over 8 weeks.  During the spring and fall semesters, lessons will be scheduled at the beginning of the semester for the same day and time each week.  Two weeks out of the semester, scheduled by the teacher in advance, students will not have regular lessons but will instead attend a studio class to engage in group learning and performance practice.  A choice of two day and time options will be provided for this class, and these will be posted at the beginning of the semester.  If the student still cannot attend either of these time slots, a separate make-up lesson can be scheduled for that week.  During the summer semester, 6 lessons will be scheduled individually across the 8 weeks before the semester begins.  This allows for scheduling around other summer activities like camps and vacations.  Lessons are offered in durations of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 60 minutes every semester. 

Tuition covers lessons, studio classes, recital, AND materials (method books, sheet music, etc.) for the semester:

Spring/Fall Semesters:

30 minutes: $500/semester, $100/month

45 minutes: $680/semester, $136/month

60 minutes: $770/semester, $154/month

Summer Semester:

30 minutes: $150/semester, $75/month

45 minutes: $210/semester, $105/month

60 minutes: $240/semester, $120/month

Payment can be made all at once by the first lesson of the semester, or monthly by the first lesson of the month.    

Lesson Cancelations:

            If the student needs to cancel a lesson and gives at least 24 hours of notice, every effort will be made to schedule a make-up, either the same week or another week before the end of the semester.  However, if the student misses a lesson with less than 24 hours of notice, a make-up lesson is not guaranteed. 

            If the teacher needs to cancel a lesson for any reason, a make-up lesson will be provided.  If it is not possible to schedule a make-up lesson, the student will be refunded the prorated amount for the lesson. 

Required Home Equipment:

            It is recommended that every student acquire an acoustic piano to practice on at home.  However, it is also recognized that not everyone is able to access such an instrument, so an electronic keyboard with weighted keys can serve as an alternative. 

Practice Expectations:

            Regular practice is essential to making improvement in any skill, including learning the piano.  It is expected that all students make an effort to complete all assigned exercises each week and make steady improvement between lessons.  While everyone’s practice needs are different, a good rule of thumb is to practice for at least as long as the weekly lesson duration every day.  For example, someone taking a 30 minute lesson each week should practice for at least 30 minutes per day. 

Other Studio Opportunities:

            Many other learning opportunities may be offered throughout the year, including group classes focused on topics like music theory and music history, summer piano camps, and additional performance opportunities.  Students are encouraged to participate in these opportunities as they are able.  Information about these additional events will be provided as they are scheduled.