Pedal Point Piano Studio derives its name from the musical concept of a pedal point – a single tone that is held out while other harmonies move around it.  Pedal Point Piano’s teaching philosophy parallels this concept – just like a held out pedal tone, the studio’s ultimate goal of bringing hope and joy to people’s lives through teaching a musical skill will always remain the same.  However, like the harmonies that ebb and flow above a pedal point, we recognize that every student is different, and each one brings their own unique strengths, weaknesses, experiences, and goals into the learning process. 

Because of this, Pedal Point does not use one singular pedagogical method, but rather combines various method books and other techniques based on the unique needs of the individual student where they are in their learning journey.  We also believe in the importance of incorporating general music concepts into the process of learning the piano, and teach concepts related to music theory, ear training, music history, and more in conjunction with and in support of piano repertoire and technique. 

We also strongly believe that music is for everyone, and we therefore strive to provide opportunities for all people to learn the piano, regardless of disabilities or financial challenges that could prove a hindrance to musical opportunities.  We also hope to be able to provide a scholarship program in the near future in order to open up opportunities to those who may not be able to afford lessons at full-price.